Visceral Manual Therapy
For belly discomfort, digestive concerns, and generalized malaise. Treatments are based on the premise that for organs to function well...

Treatment Principles
As an Integrative Manual Therapist, I combine the deductive, scientific approach of Western medical theory, with treatment applications...

The Mind/Body Connection: Basic Tenets
Injury, illnesses, and declining physical health can stress our ability to be in “well-being”. Physical ailments causing our Mind to not...

Treatment Plan for Orthopedic Conditions
Orthopedic conditions present some of the most straightforward cases for a manual therapist. Assessment and diagnosis can be precise,...

The Zanzibar Project
The Mountain Hands project in Zanzibar aims to provide the residents of Zanzibar education and job training, as well as therapeutic...

The Clinical Benefits of Orthopedic Manual Therapy
CONDITIONS ROUTINELY TREATED: Low back pain, including sciatica and disc herniations Neck pain and stiffness, including whiplash injuries...

The Influence of T'ai Chi Ch'uan
The practice of T’ai Chi Ch’uan cultivates an attitude of gentleness, softness, yielding, and acceptance. This is achieved by deeply...