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Principles, Learning and Comfort

Safety and Efficacy
To be an effective practice, the body has to be relaxed, in control, and engaged with awareness
Move in easy gradual ways
Stay comfortable at all times
Explore your own inner sensations
Respect your body
Listen, and honor your journey
Experience the feelings
Open yourself wholeheartedly, mindfully, patiently and completely
Let the body adjust
Fun and Practical
It can be a great way to rehabilitate injury
It is attainable at any age
Works for anyone of any size, gender or athletic ability
It gets us back to play!
It is participatory, non-competitive, and requires cooperation to play
It's a great way to activate a "couch potato" or a "desk potato"
And if you are not juggling... you can 'work out'! - what a great side-effect!
Coordination and Agility
Improves reaction time
Makes your body move in new ways
Encourages sequencing of movement
It develops and innate sense of grace and rhythm
It stimulates neural pathways through touch and movement
Mental Skills
Improves concentration
It coordinates Left and Right brain functions
Teaches a mind-set for growth
It helps break out of mental ruts
It gives the brain a break
It provides a great model for how to learn: By differentiating tasks, building skills in a step-wise approach and practicing
Like solving a puzzle, it unlocks the brain
Mastery offers its next goal. It sets intention, and inspiration for future learning
It gives you simple, immediate feedback to evaluate your "errors"
Emotional Well-Being
Play can make us happy
Challenges our beliefs about what is possible
Helps you be more open to new possibilities
It improves self-esteem, giving a sense of accomplishment
It helps us learn that we can accomplish things with practice
Builds confidence
Alleviate stress
It allows everyone to be a teacher
It gives you skills for coping with blockages and setbacks
It helps you re-work your relationship to yourself when you make a "mistake"
Seeing Skills
Builds hand-eye coordination
Improves spacial awareness
Sharpens peripheral vision
Manageable Consequences
Now that's a relief.

How to Make it Fun and Efficient

Keep you hands low, elbows tucked in
Use your wrist to flick up the ball (not just your elbow)
Practice over a couch (the balls are easier to retrieve, and you won't meander forward as you throw)
Or practice over a table, letting the ball land, and then pick-up at a pace that is more manageable.
Body catches count!
Practice in a way that enhances control
Be willing to adapt to something easier
Complete a number of reps, and stop
Approach with Play
invite play into every part of it
When does humor come in? can it?
Play with variety
Notice if it stops being fun - what is happening?
A gentle approach works best
Keep a good relationship with it all
Mistakes are Expected
Accept that this is a practice with many "mistakes"
A gentle. forgiving attitude around failure is part of the practice
What just happened in the "oops"? ... that's curious! What can I notice?
If you are at a place of diminishing returns, practices something else
Choose your level of control and risk
A Somatic Approach to Self-Care
Try getting on the floor and moving how your body needs to.
Listen for what it asks for.
Discover your own movement.
Slowly move into that feeling.
Avoid increased pain.
However slow and calm that needs to be.
Take time to rest.
Lift your body weight from the floor. Small lifts, slow little lifts.
Gradually improvement comes.
Gently get stronger.
Try comparing and balancing your different sides.
Use your own common sense.
Healing can take time. There are few heroic cures.
Stay aware, focused, connected.

Body Wisdom
Start on the "weaker" side, it's more interesting!
Train your eyes, let your eyes move
Or keep your eyes fixed and broaden your peripheral vision
Reflexes are exciting. Let this inspire you!
Use your ears. Listen for the patterns (sounds of catches for example)
Don't think too much, let your body act
And conversely, visualize the trick as "exactly" as you can
Stop and regroup if it gets too "wild"
Take a momentary centering pause before starting the trick again
Be curious about what you can see: the ball stopped at the top of its arc, its landing, the curve of its motion

This doesn't happen very often in life, - so now's your chance.
Say it: "Well Done Joe!"
Use your name!
Say it because you deserve it, you do!
No joke, and you'll improve faster with praise!
Take it in.

Enhancing Creativity
Use the concept of "planes" - notice a plane you are moving in, then change the plane
Use the concept of circles - we tend to move in circles, notice that, then change the direction, speed, diameter
Keep the sensation of touch acute - throwing and catching, tapping... and change the nature of that expression.
Try for everything to be easeful.
If something is not easeful, pause, and just do what is easy.
Find the enjoyment in sensation.
The slower you go the safer it is.
Pain is never beneficial.
Explore with peace of mind areas of discomfort.
Adapt your practices to accommodate where you are at.
Let things take some time to heal.
As you get better, continue to never push yourself into pain, or do things despite pain.
Pain is a message to stop what you are doing.
Make an agreement with yourself that you will take care.

If there is something you can't do, stay within the part of it that you can.
The parts of movements that you can do are the beneficial parts of the practice.
Everybody starts less able than they wish, and deals with limitation right away.
Develop a good, peaceful, respectful relationship with your limitations.
Use your internal sensory experience to sense and feel what is ok.
Try other practices, for other body areas, or other toys too.
These practices are subtle. They are designed to be exploratory. If it curious to you, how is it that you are supposed to feel something - then good, that is the practice.
If you are patient with your limitations, you will also be surprised by how readily your body is willing to adapt and improve.

It Doesn't Matter
It's great to practice something that, at the end of the day, doesn't matter that much.
It's great to practice something that you can keep 'light', and that can give you perspective on what actually does matter.
Picking Up Your Toys:
The idea is to try to minimize repetitive movements (like leaning over the same way every time) picking up a ball.
Here are some other fun ways to get something off the floor.
All parts of your play time adds to your agility - even picking up the toys.
Practicing these are foundational, and you will improve and master them quickly.

Chillin' on the Catch
sometimes we get anxious and catch the ball up high.
it's hard to trust that if we let something "go", that we can still get to it.
track the ball going down.
notice when you want to lurch, and for how long you can wait.
it's refreshing to delay the catch.
you can also just let the ball(s) drop if you want. It's nice to not have to catch it.
and, taking this to the edge, you'll drop a few more and it's ok.
The Release!
Sometimes it's hard to get the ball to release. It can open up all this uncertainty and expectations for the catch.
Practice by easily letting the ball roll up and off your fingers.
Give your wrist a little flick with the launch.
Let the toss ripple your body loose.
Also practice with mini tosses that barely leave your hand.
Hone in on the earliest part of your toss. Sense it as it leaves.

Smile, yes, do it, Smile
This exercise requires trying it
Just try it, ... smile..., even for 5 seconds if you doubt this
5 seconds: smile and juggle and see what happens
Then keep smiling and juggling
It won't make your problems go away, but it will change how you feel
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